
Washrooms may not always seem like a top priority, but customers may not return to your business if they have a negative experience with your washrooms. When it comes to hand washing, people prefer to dry their hands with paper towels. A Mayo Clinic report says that if people had a choice, 55% of respondents would select paper towels.

55% of people would choose paper towels to dry their hands if given a choice

Not only do people prefer paper towels, they beat hand dryers when it comes to getting the job done and overall hygiene. The same study found that air movement can encourage the dispersal and transmission of bacteria and increase the chance of cross contamination. In effect, air dryers encourage this recirculation of washroom air germs. And according to a Wall Street Journal article, blowers tend to spread bacteria between 3 and 6 feet from the device. Hand dryers also come with a constant noise.

The friction that paper towels offer helps remove germs. For preference, efficiency and hygiene, the choice is paper, hands down. Learn more about our wide range of paper products and dispensers.

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